Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Avocado Mousse

I always go crazy whenever I see avocados on sale. It's an expensive fruit - each costing as much as $2 when there are no sales. When I saw it in a supermarket for a dollar each, I know I had to grab a basketful of them. I do try to buy the unripe ones so that I have a steady supply of avocados over the days but after awhile, there is only so much guocomole, salads and smoothies that I can tolerate and soon some will start to languish from my lack of attention and sadly perish before I can get to them. I know that avocado meat can be frozen but those who know me will know that my fridge and freezer is often bursting at the seams with just too many produce. 

In this particular case, I managed to catch the ripening avocados just in time and decided to make a breakfast dessert out of it. It is very filling - avocados have high fat content - and as a meal it can easily feed two and as a dessert - four. Play around with the sweetness, liquids and toppings. I just used whatever I had at hand. 

Avocado Mousse 

2 avocados
80ml soymilk or any other nut milk
1 tablespoon sweetener of choice - I just used raw sugar (palm sugar will be delicious as well)
1 teaspoon vanilla (optional)


1) Pit the avocados and add all the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Serve in bowls or chill before serving. 

Yes, that IS all it takes. If you are feeling fancy sprinkle some cinnamon or cocoa powder on top, add fruits or berries. Anything you like :)

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