Saturday, January 15, 2011

2011 - A start of a brand new year :)

I haven't been blogging for long. The second half of 2010 was just one amazing, exciting but exhausting journey and in a blink of an eye 2011 is here. We've been busy in 2010 but expect to be busier in 2011, in a good way of course. We are chugging along with the magazine, just having released the third issue. We aren't making money from it, in fact it goes against all business sense to run this magazine, but we believe in it, it brings us immense happiness and we feel that we are doing something for the community and these are our motivations and keep us going when we face  moments of self-doubts.

2010 also saw me coming out of my shell and starting vegan cooking and baking classes at Robinsons, one of the major retailers in Singapore. It has been an amazing experience and I've met very interesting people along the way and made firm friends too. I hope to continue conducting more classes and also pursue my calling in the culinary arts.

We also picked up an abandoned mother cat in Nov last year with 5 kittens. The kittens were about 2 weeks, quite ill with cat flu - crusty eyes sealed shut with goo and sneezing. We nursed them back to health and have managed to get each and everyone of them adopted including the mother cat (after having her sterilised of cos') It was an amazing experience and in that process, we ended up adopting one of the kittens, adding another one to our current cat, Dianamo. Nina and Dianamo get along famously to the extent that Dianamo does not come to us for her cuddles anymore!

All in all, 2010 was an eventful year. I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. I've grown as a person, met fantastic people, made a lot of friends and helped a lot of people as well! I hope 2011 will be as super amazing as 2010 :D

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